What it takes to sell solar energy

Solar energy, in addition to saving you money, can also be a source of income! That’s right, it is possible to earn money by selling the energy generated on your land. Want to know how? We will tell you!

The solar energy market is booming! More and more people are looking for this technology as an alternative to abusive electricity bill prices. In 2020, only in Rio Grande do Sul, the growth was 41.8%, according to data released by G1.

Thus, investing in a mini plant is a certainty of return. To start, you need to understand what a solar farm and a photovoltaic solar condominium are.

The solar farm corresponds to a large area, which is usually located in the countryside, with an installation of several photovoltaic panels. This chain of panels produces a large amount of energy that can be shared with everyone who would like to enjoy this type of clean energy.

Thus, both win: the consumer who does not want to invest in his own system and who sells the energy from the solar farm.

For the system to work, the location must be chosen carefully. A high level of solar incidence is required, since the plates use sunlight and convert it into electrical energy through the photovoltaic effect.

There are also some rules for selling energy. Currently, it is possible by two means: through the participation of auctions regulated by Aneel or through the free energy market, a free and independent contracting environment that allows you to negotiate prices and preferences.

To qualify for the latter option, you must be associated with Electric Energy Trading (CCEE) and have a production between 500kW and 3MW. To join, you must have authorization to act in accordance with Normative Resolution No. 678/2015 and formalize the request with Aneel.

And the solar condominium? This is a facility that accepts capital from several investors and provides energy credit to consumers. It can be formatted via cooperative or consortium.

In solar condominiums, the objective is to generate solar energy in one place and obtain credits for the participants, which will be offset in their electricity bills. Participants must be on the same coverage as the energy distributor. In summary, the solar condominium allows the sharing of solar energy through the sale or rental of lots.

As it was possible to realize, to sell solar energy it is necessary to have adequate land and knowledge about the available alternatives and the regulatory laws. Then, just invest and see the profit of your business!

Whether building a solar farm or building a solar condominium, you can count on Revitar do Brasil! Through our commercial agents and accredited companies, we bring sustainable infrastructure and energy efficiency technologies throughout the country. Make a simulation with our team. Contact!

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